This course takes an in-depth look at the worsted and woollen spinning and post-spinning operations. It reviews the worsted and woollen production systems before covering the preparation of top for worsted spinning, worsted ring spinning and variations and alternatives for worsted ring spinning.
It then explores preparation for woollen spinning, woollen spinning and post-spinning operations.
The course is completed with a discussion of quality assurance in both worsted and woollen spinning operations.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- describe the operations required to prepare top for spinning. Including finisher gilling and roving
- describe the aims of spinning and the operation of the ring spinning frame
- outline alternative spinning technologies that can be used for worsted spinning of wool
- describe the operation of a woollen card and the preparation of the slubbing for spinning
- understand the key limitations and relevance of factors influencing the operation of the spinning machine
- describe post-spinning operations
- outline the role of and techniques in quality assurance programs for woollen and worsted spinning and post-spinning operations.
- Introduction
- Worsted and woollen production systems
- Preparing wool top for spinning
- Worsted ring spinning
- Variations and alternatives to ring spinning
- Preparation for woollen spinning
- Woollen spinning
- Post-spinning operations
- Quality assurance in spinning

モジュール: 10

Module 1 — Review of the woollen and worsted production systems re-caps on the differences between worsted versus woollen yarn production, the early operations prior to spinning and their aims. It also explores the differences between woollen and worsted processing systems and products.

Module 2 — Preparation of tops for spinning covers the methods used to prepare tops for worsted yarn spinning. While the detail of processes used may vary between processors three main processes are used, re-combing, gilling (also called drawing) and roving.

During the past three to four decades there has been pressure to increase the productivity of spinning technologies for all fibres. Many of these improvements have been applicable to worsted yarn spinning. Several of the developments aimed at increasing productivity in worsted spinning will be discussed in this module.

Module 6: Woollen spinning provides an overview of woollen spinning and covers: machine mechanics in woollen spinning, woollen yarn production and characteristics, spinning issues for felt-resist-treated woollen-spun knitting yarns and investigates the limits of the woollen spinning system.

Module 7 provides an overview of the semi-worsted spinning process and explores the machine mechanics used to create semi-worsted yarns. The characteristics of semi-worsted yarns are discussed in this module, along with the limitations of the semi-worsted system.